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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Eason's fullmoon party^^

today is Eason's fullmoon party^^ held at Double Tree Hotel... v went there... and I took lots of pics... Outfit of the day^^ Double Tree Hotel not bad... is quite... the deco quite interesting... hav a nice and comfortable lounge... but too quite for a hotel la... less ppl... less restaurant... and I saw tis^^ ^^ den v went up to Level 11, which is a buffet restaurant called "Makan Kithcen"... the deco there quite good... is a combination of Malaysia 3 culture... Malay,Indian and Chinese... the fullmoon party was at the chinese section^^ den now pic time^^ the food there not bad... chinese cuisine is good... indian and malay too... juz the cake kinda not suitable my taste... but I love the environment^^ so is still nice for me^^ haha... *my 3rd bro coloured his hair 7 colour!!!! hey!!! I wan to colour!! not 7 colour la... juz I wan to... WUUU.... now, I hav 3 colours on my head... black,red,brown... haha...lack of 4 la gor... blekz... ~THE END~

Korean BBQ night^^

Last fri went to Taipan to hav dinner wif Mr.Justin^^ haha... let pic to the talk^^
somehow,tat day v ate RM 400 plus!!! dahsyat nia... v can eat... u can see through pic^^ haha... tat day is an enjoyable day^^ went back late...around 11 something oni reach home... haha parents slept... but beh song too... however, the next day they r okay wif me^^ haha... but kena banned... cant go out for a period from now... lol... can accept la... since wan save money... hehe... ~THE END~

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I sick since 2 in the morning till now...
I din sleep well since last night till 2,
I awake and vomit..
kay.the main thing is...
from morning till evening,
wat I eat,I vomit...
everyone said I kena food poisoning..
I like blur blur..
juz wanna sleep oni...
until daddy back from office...
bought meds for me,
den I feel better..
but somehow,
I fever...
i'm so imba..haha..
luckily is not tuesday serving class..
if not,I kantoi....
now feel better...
so dun worry^^
muackz muackz muackz

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mango Jalouisee...

today got pastry class^^
v made mango jalouisee^^(I think the spelling wrong><) here's the pic^^

den cuz yesterday was Nazrin's bufday,v celebrate it today^^

den v went off to Paparich at SS15 to hav lunch^^

hehe...fetch them back to Taylor's,den pick Rusdy up...
while waiting for Rusdy,
v chat wif Allan^^haha...
den went to Sunway for BBQ^^
while in the car...
Ben drive cuz I lazy to drive...
and he steal the car keys from me!!

haha...tis is my day^^
see others pic^^