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Saturday, September 1, 2012

thank you^^

thank you everyone who wish me happy bufday^^
now...one by one give a little small speech lo...
thank you everyone who wished me at the midnight...haha...
im sleeping...

cattrin = thank you for wishing me when i'm at your restaurant^^hehe...I noe u forget geh la..but I still happy^^thank you^^muackz muackz muackz

amelia = sha po!!!thank you for yr wishes ah...kinda sad u guys cant celebrate wif me...but nvm la..next year celebrate wif me^^kay?muackzz...

rebecca = my leng luii best frenz..din noe u remembered my bufday...thank you so much...haha...one day i'll find u to yamcha!!!muackzz

chern yuan = yuan zai!!!!haha...thank you for yr long wishes..errr...the stuff tat i wanna tell u will revealed when yr birthday comes...haha...muackzz^^

rexkunz = haha...buddy!!!thank you for yr wish leh!!!I thought u forget leh since v quite long din contact...haha..thank you...muackzz

cheryl = haha...thank you my luii luii^^wishing me when midnight...u ah..dun always sleep late la..even i noe the reason...not good for yr body...haiz...muackzzz...

ming ming ah yee = thank you ah yee...haha...i love u^^u always remember my bufday geh^^muackzz...

amanda = mei,thank you for yr wishes^^haha...i love u...when gonna gathering ah??hehe...muackkzz

zi xuan = thank you dii^^wish u wun do all those violent thingy..u noe i will angry geh...muackzz...

xiao xian = leng luii!!!thank you for yr wish nia!!i dunno tat u noe today is my bufday leh!!is a shock tat i receive yr wish^^thank you^^muackzz

siao sian = my friend,thank you for yr wish...haha..v like go through some exam though...luckily v din really died in the game.v survived at least...haha...muackzz

stanley = yo bro!!thanks for yr wish at 2 in the morning!!wat the hack u r doing?!!haha...somehow,thank you^^muackzz

peggy gugu = gugu,thank you for yr wishes^^u r the oni one remember my bufday^^haha..muackzzz

alex = thank you for yr bufday wish^^I promise u...i will take care of my own health...so dun worry.and i will get good results for my examz..muackzz

yen sin = leng lui,i really shock when i receive yr wish lol...din noe tat u will remember my bufday...somehow,i kinda gan dong...haha..muackzz...

victor = thank you for yr damn long wish...haha...do good in yr studies^^muackz

mei ling = thank you nia luii luii^^haha...dunno u noe my bufday wor...hehe..muackzz

nic = walao...thank you wor...if u forget,u cham lo...luckily u din forget...haha...muackzzz

allan = thank you ah zai zai...haha...somehow my wish is u get a good and pretty gf^^hehe....muackzz

ben = thank you for yr wishes^^haha...oso at midnight lol...tak tidur!!haha...somehow,thank you^^muackzzz

jinny = sui luii!!!so late oni wish me!!where u go leh???haha...kay la...btw,thank you for the wish^^muackzz

jovy = haha...thank you for yr wish...i skinda suprise tat u wish...haha...thank you...muackkzz

rusdy = thank you for yr wish nephew^^haha...oso late geh wish lai d...muackkzzz

haha....thank you everyone...but,got few belum wish la...those who i think important to me...hmmm...maybe gonna kena from me 99 gua...haha...

thank you guys^^muackz muackz...I love u.

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