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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Eason's fullmoon party^^

today is Eason's fullmoon party^^ held at Double Tree Hotel... v went there... and I took lots of pics... Outfit of the day^^ Double Tree Hotel not bad... is quite... the deco quite interesting... hav a nice and comfortable lounge... but too quite for a hotel la... less ppl... less restaurant... and I saw tis^^ ^^ den v went up to Level 11, which is a buffet restaurant called "Makan Kithcen"... the deco there quite good... is a combination of Malaysia 3 culture... Malay,Indian and Chinese... the fullmoon party was at the chinese section^^ den now pic time^^ the food there not bad... chinese cuisine is good... indian and malay too... juz the cake kinda not suitable my taste... but I love the environment^^ so is still nice for me^^ haha... *my 3rd bro coloured his hair 7 colour!!!! hey!!! I wan to colour!! not 7 colour la... juz I wan to... WUUU.... now, I hav 3 colours on my head... black,red,brown... haha...lack of 4 la gor... blekz... ~THE END~

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