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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Who am i?

Who am I?
am I a good daughter?
am I a good friend?
am I a good gf?
how to become a human being tats perfect?
I want to be perfect for my mom..
she thinks I'm useless..
she thinks she let me in to the wrong course because I din even clean up the house when I haven't learn bout housekeeping..
she makes me want to be perfect in every way.
I' gonna go for bar tender club...
I love it..
and I'll learn it properly..

mom stress me bout love again...
ask me put effort in studies...
get good results...
saying tat letting me study in taylors not to pakto,
but to get good results and knowledge..
I'm gonna put my heart in studies...
dun ask me bout love..
I'll pissed off and u r not my friend anymore..
I said it and it will be!!
trust me I will...
I want to be a perfect daughter fr my parents..
I want to become a good friend...
I want o become a good gf...


  1. Just be yourself, your life your choice. :)

  2. Relax. :)
    I not a bad guy.
    Don't worry. :D
    Call me passerby. >.^

    1. I noe u r not a bad guy but juz wondering who r u...

  3. You know that I am not a bad guy then enough. :D
    No need to know too much,
    Hey, hurting yourself cannot solve the problem.
    Try to face the problem bravely. :)

    1. haha...
      thank you...
      juz too stressful..

  4. Haha. I know that. Try to find other way to release your stress but not hurting yourself such as have a short trip or listen to the music. :D
    I had read your latest post, sometime try to think at another way. You can't help people doesn't mean your are useless. At least you had tried to help them. At least you had tried :) Don't think at negative way. :D
    Don't force yourself to take too much of responsibility. Try to relax. :)

  5. haha...
    my thinking is oni in a day...
    after I had a nap,
    I'll be okay^^
    so dun worry^^

  6. Hahaha ! Nice! :D
    All the best and hope you everyday in good mood. :)
