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Monday, May 7, 2012

1st day of Orientation

as seen the tile of my post is about my 1st day of orientation...
let me start the day..
-wake up at 5.45 in the morning><
-drive out from house at 7 in the morningT.T
-JAM like HELL!!!!!!!
-reach skull at 8 in the morning -.-(20 minutes driving turns to 1 hour driving!!!!)
-register at 8.30
-went in the experimental theater
-sitting down there for 1 HOUR!!!!wtf
-listen to all introductions of Taylors for 3 to 4 hours><
-rest for 1 hour
-take my student ID...(SHIT!!!ugly like HELL!!!)
-start the uniform measurement...(DUH!!!XS is still big for me!!!)
-after finished measuring,went to collect my merchadise...(a Taylor's T-shirt) -.-
-ask Victor help me about the Student Portal problems...(Thanks,Victor^^)
-rest for awhile...
-drive back HOME in 20 minutes!!!!YAHOO!!!!

and...my Mon ends here^^
p/s : actually my orientation till 5 in the evening...however I skipped it cuz its about safety workshop-.-