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Thursday, May 24, 2012

2nd week in uni^^

Life started miserable in the 2nd week...
hav to finish assignments..
have to print and photostat those notes..
hav to start studying...
scare of my examz...
everything make me pissed off..

however,I really had fun wif my group 2!!!
yesterday was cheryl's birthday...
v helped her to celebrate wif  Kuo Liang and Suren^^
May's babies...
lets the pic do the talk^^
 Ernie , my sai lou^^
 the PRADAS girls^^
 dunno how to explain><
 Kuo Liang, Cheryl , Suren
 blowing cakes^^
 playing like hell^^
it was fun^^
I love u guys^^haha
mummy always there wif u guys^^

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