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Thursday, May 31, 2012


wat is death??
I'm curious...
I felt very tired...
tired till want to end my life to get rid of the tiredness...
y am I tired??
I dunno..
the tiredness juz splash on me non-stop..
ends my life...
whenever smeone in my surroundings said about they wanted to die,
I'll shoot them like hell..
but now,
I want it myself..
they can't obey for wat I said cuz I spoil the rules..
in the mean time,
I really does..
tired from everything..
feel tat I'm a sucker!
I'm a bad girl...
plz trust me bout tis..
I hurt everyone tat care about me..
tears rolling down on my cheeks..
can't stop it..
how life suck?
feel depressed now..
juz wish I could sleep and juz bye bye


  1. Don't be stupid haaa katryn tong wan qi!
    but i believe you won't la just a thought only right?

    aikss! (HUG HUG)!!!~<3

  2. my lovely Yuan...thanks for knowing me tat I juz think oni..
    u noe I wun let u guys worry bout me right?
    even now u guys r not beside me,
    I still will live in a good condition..
    so my lovely Yuan...
    dun worry,Kay?
    I love u..
    really love u...
    *hug hug*
    I'll be here forever for u guys...
